Center for Teaching and Learning

Faculty Orientations


registration button   policies and procedures button   teaching and learning button   technology and MyGateway button   faculty supports button

Orientations are tailored to full-time and part-time faculty, respectively. The orientation for each group is designed to introduce: (1) campus services which support faculty and students; (2) campus supports for teaching and learning including integrating technology into courses; (3) service-learning and civic engagement opportunities; (4) research and funding opportunities.

In order to acquaint new full-time and part-time faculty with University of Missouri-St. Louis' policies, procedures, technology resources, teaching and learning strategies, and support services for both students and themselves, the following program links provide a convenient means to access and review pertinent information. Knowing and using available resources are also considered essential for faculty success at the University of Missouri-St. Louis.

Please contact offices and staff for more specific help.

2012-2013 Faculty Resource Guide Book (in PDF format)

Try to Obtain your UMSL Login Information Before the Orientation

The success of the orientation increases if participants have MyGateway and Exchange (e-mail) accounts. Administrative assistants and Department Chairs may authorize these accounts as soon as new colleagues are identified. Request new accounts online.

Departments are encouraged to complete this process early so that faculty members are assigned in the system to the courses they will be teaching. This can be completed before formal paperwork is processed as long as you have social security numbers and birth dates for each newcomer.

  1. Request faculty assignment to MyGateway course(s) at: log into MyGateway;
  2. Then, click Request System tab;
  3. Then Instructor Assignment.

If you have any difficulty or questions, please contact the Faculty Resource Center, or phone 314-516-6704.